Experimental Study of the Effect of Cyclone Body Velocity on the Cyclones Efficiency

Document Type : Research Article


Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Oil & Gas, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I.R. IRAN


In this research, the separation of silica particles was experimentally investigated using a cyclonic separator with two feed inlets and a rotating body. Experimental experiments were performed using a laboratory-scale cyclone. In the experiments, the effect of operating parameters including particle size ranging from 15 to 40 microns, air velocity of 30 to 70 cubic meters, and cyclone body velocity from zero to 1900 rpm on cyclone efficiency were evaluated. Experimental results showed that the particles grew by about 1 to 2%, an increase of about 3% by 5% and an increase in the body velocity of about 10% by 13% resulted in improved cyclone efficiency. The results also showed that the body time in the direction of the flow of the input stream would reduce about 48% of the cyclone efficiency. The cyclone pressure drop during the period indicated that this number is more in a rotary state than the steady state of the body, but the uniform distribution of pressure does not cause the effect of the pressure drop on the tangible efficiency. The experimental results also show that increasing the discharge and the speed of the cyclone body increases the tangential velocity and, as a result, increases the centrifugal force, which results in increased cyclone efficiency.


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