Sorption of Copper, Zinc and Nickel on Ca-Bentonite

Document Type : Research Article


1 International Center for Science, High Technology & Environmental Sciences, Kerman, I.R. IRAN

2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, I.R. IRAN


Clays and clay minerals specially montmorillonite and bentonite are widely used for environmental pollution control. The heavy metals are important environmental pollutants. In this study the sorption of copper, zinc and nickel ions as heavy metals by bentonite samples was investigated. Sample 1 from Kheir Abad mine, sample 2 from Tange Ghoochan mine and sample 3 from the mine around the Ravari mosque were prepared.  The sorption tests of copper, zinc and nickel ions by Kheir Abad Ca- bentonite sample were done. The results showed that the sorption very fast and for doing all tests the appropriate time was obtained 5 minutes. Also the results showed that the reduction of pH causes the reduction of copper, zinc & nickel ions sorption and also appropriate conditions for sorption of each ions were achieved. The sorption tests by other samples in obtained appropriate conditions for sample 1 were done. The results showed that among these samples, sample 2 has the highest percentage of sorption and sample 3 has the lowest  percentage of sorption. Also the results showed that the increase of CEC causes the increase of copper, zinc & nickel ions sorption. and sorption of nickel is less than sorption of copper and zinc. Finally these samples can be an excellent and inexpensive sorbent for copper, zinc and nickel ions as heavy metal.


Main Subjects

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