Possibility of Using High Intensity Ultrasonic Wave for Crude Oil Emulsion Separation

Document Type : Research Note


1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, I.R. IRAN

2 Department of Food Technology, Khorasan Research Institute for Food Science and Technology, Mashhad, I.R. IRAN


In this research, influence of several parameters for emulsion separation with high intensity ultrasonic standing wave field in a horizontal setup was investigated. Emulsion system considered for this study was crude oil in water. Experimental observations were indicated that ultrasound standing wave could break emulsions and separate them to their initial phases.But separation efficiency was depending on several operational parameters such as  ultrasound  intensity, sample  position in ultrasound  field  and  irradiation time period. It was also noticed   that dispersed phase fraction  and  presence  of  surface  active  materials  in  sample  emulsion  had effects on emulsion creaming  rate. A comparison between experimental results were confirmed that the following as the optimum conditions for emulsion separation: 45% ultrasonic intensity, minimum distance from sound source (17.5 cm), maximum irradiation time (30 min), presence of 5% NaCl in initial emulsion formula and lowest oil concentration (5%). In this case, high intensity ultrasonic standing wave could completely separate oil in water emulsion.


Main Subjects

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